Sunday, June 1, 2008

Easy like Sunday afternoon

So I've never thought that Sunday mornings were easy (you try getting 4 kids ready and to church on time - plus the not so easy task of making myself look cute EVERY WEEK!) but.... after my mid-day nervous breakdown the afternoon went very smoothly. I made lasagna - which the kids thought was strange that no one else was coming over (I guess I don't cook "real meals" that often). Afterward we went out to ride bikes. I went to Walmart yesterday to buy a "real" bike for Kaia - which was a huge mistake. First the bike barely fit in the car and that was before I bought two weeks of groceries. Needless to say it looked like the kids were packed around the bike and food more than the other way around. So after dinner and before strawberry shortcake we went out for a bike ride and even Justus got in on the action (although he is continually trying to test the "You can't go in the street" rule).


Anonymous said...

I love them kids.

Brandi said...

Maybe you should just get a 15 passenger van...then you can keep up the baby making and fit whatever you want in really is a win, win situation :) We miss you guys!

Kirstin said...

Seriously what is up with these Twilight books? Is there really no baby making involved? Maybe you should write Stephanie Meyers a letter and explain it. Bella needs to get with Jacob.